The Sooty Show - Season 8 Episode 2 : The Adventures of Bessib (1)
The Sooty Show is a British children's Puppet series which aired on the BBC from 1955 to 1967 and ITV from 1968 to 1992. It follows the adventures and comedic day to day life of puppets Sooty, Sweep and Soo with their owner Harry Corbett, and in later years, his son Matthew.
First Air Date : Jan 16, 1955
Last Air Date : Nov 30, 1992
Runtime : 15 min.
Stars : Matthew Corbett, Brenda Longman
Quality :
- Eps. 1 : Sooty's Caravan1962-09-30
- Eps. 2 : The Adventures of Bessib (1)1962-10-07
- Eps. 3 : The Adventures of Bessib (2)1962-10-14
- Eps. 4 : Sooty's Butchers Shop1962-10-28
- Eps. 5 : Take it Easy1962-11-04
- Eps. 6 : The Punch and Sooty Show1962-11-11
- Eps. 7 : Sooty's Clock Shop1962-12-13
- Eps. 10 : Sweep's Christmas Adventure1962-12-27